
National Picture of US MPAs
- Marine Protected Areas 2020: Building Effective Conservation Networks (2020)
- Conserving Our Oceans: One Place at a Time (2017)
- Representativeness of Marine Protected Areas of the United States (2016)
- Conserving Our Oceans: One Place at a Time (2014)
- Marine Reserves in the United States (2014)
- State of the Nation's De Facto Marine Protected Areas (2008)
Stakeholder Engagement
- Engaging Communities in MPAs: Concepts and Strategies from Current Practice (by University of Michigan for the MPA Center) (2014)
- Stakeholder Participation: A Synthesis of Current Literature (2004)
MPA Toolkit
- Building and Strengthening Linkages between the National System of Marine Protected Areas and the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®) (2011)
- Mapping Human Uses of the Ocean: Informing Marine Spatial Planning Through Participatory GIS (2010)
- Marine Managed Areas: Best Practices for Boundary Making (2006)
- Mapping Human Activity in the Marine Environment: GIS Tools and Participatory Methods (Workshop Summary)(2005)
- Enforcing U.S. Marine Protected Areas: Synthesis Report (2005)
- An Inventory of GIS-Based Decision-Support Tools for MPAs (2004)
- MPA Process Review: Case Studies of Five MPA Establishment Processes (2003)
- MPA Technology Needs Assessment (2003)
- MPA Technology Needs Assessment Executive Summary(2003)
Developing the National System of MPAs
- Framework for the National System of Marine Protected Areas (2015)
- State Policies and Programs Related to Marine Managed Areas: Issues and Recommendations for a National System (2004)
- Case Studies of State-Level Marine Managed Area Systems (2004)
Social Science National and Regional Priorities
- MPA Social Science Research Strategy (2003)
- Pacific Coast Regional Priorities for Social Science Research on Marine Protected Areas (2005)
- U.S. Pacific Islands Regional Priorities for Social Science Research on Marine Protected Areas (2004)
- South Atlantic Regional Priorities for Social Science Research on Marine Protected Areas (2003)
- U.S. Caribbean and South Florida Regional Priorities for Social Science Research on Marine Protected Areas (2003)
For more resources on MPA management and MPA networks, see recommendations from the MPA Federal Advisory Committee.