Here are fact sheets that describe the work and projects of the National Marine Protected Areas Center.
About MPAs
National System of MPAs
- Analysis of National System Members (March 2012)
- Benefits of a National System of Marine Protected Areas (2008)
- Joining the National System of MPAs: Frequently Asked Questions (2015)
- SPAW Protocol: Listing U.S. MPAs in the Wider Caribbean (2012)
Data and Analysis
- Marine Protected Areas and Recreational Fishing (2011)
- Marine Protected Areas and Wildlife Hotspots in the California Current (2011)
- Snapshot of Gulf of Mexico MPAs (2011)
- Snapshot of Great Lakes MPAs (2011)
- Snapshot of NOAA's Fisheries Service MPAs (2011)
- Ocean Uses in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (2012)
- Spatial Analysis and Resource Characterization Tool (2012)
Science and Stewardship
- Cultural Heritage Resources and Marine Protected Areas (2011)
- Linking IOOS to the National System of Marine Protected Areas (2008)
- Do Fish Swim In and Out of MPAs? (2010)
- Do No-Take Marine Reserves Benefit Adjacent Fisheries? (2011)
- National Wildlife Refuge Marine Protected Areas 2011)
- Marine Protected Area Resources and Concepts for Teaching Ocean Literacy (2012)