The List of National System MPAs is the official register of all MPAs that have been formally recognized as part of the national system. MPAs on the List are those that went through the nomination process, and have been agreed upon by both the MPA Center and the managing agency. Joining the National System of MPAs provides an opportunity for sites to work together on common conservation objectives. It does not change the management of the site or entail any restrictions on access or use. There are currently 437 members of the National System of MPAs.
List of National System MPAs - Names and Locations (July 2013) (PDF)
Detailed List of National System MPAs (July 2013) (PDF)
Analysis of National System Marine Protected Areas (PDF)
Definitions of terms used in List and Summary Table (PDF)
Modifying MPAs on the List
Participation in the national system does not constrain the ability of the management agency to make management changes such as adding or reducing levels of protection or changing the size of the MPA. Management agencies are asked to provide all significant updates to the MPA Center, but are not required to re-nominate the site. If the MPA no longer meets the national system MPA eligibility criteria, it will be removed from the List.
Removing MPAs from the List
MPA sites that have been included on the List may be removed at any time by written request of the managing agency or the MPA Center for reasons including: the MPA ceases to exist; the MPA no longer meets the national system eligibility criteria; or the managing authority requests removal. All requests from managing agencies by the MPA Center to remove an MPA from the national system must be made in writing and will be made publicly available.